Exit Exam questions in computer science

Feb 11, 2024 - 11:14
Apr 14, 2024 - 04:17
 0  143

1. Which of the following is not a programming language?

A) Python
C) Java

2. What does CPU stand for?

A) Computer Processing Unit
B) Central Processing Unit
C) Central Programming Unit
D) Computer Programming Unit

3. Which data structure follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle?

A) Queue
B) Stack
C) Linked List
D) Tree

4. What does HTML stand for?

A) Hyper Text Markup Language
B) High Tech Markup Language
C) Hyperlinks and Text Markup Language
D) Home Tool Markup Language

5. Which sorting algorithm has the best average and worst-case time complexity of O(n log n)?

A) Bubble Sort
B) Insertion Sort
C) Quick Sort
D) Selection Sort

6. Which one of the following is incorrect about the goal of AI?

A) Develop intelligent agents.
B) construction of rational agents
C) provide capability of observing, learning, remembering & reasoning for machine
D) None

7. Which one of the following is true statement about the type of AI?

A. Weak AI aims to create an agent that has complete humans intelligence
B. Weak AI aims to invent a machine called a mind in its fullest sense
C. Strong AI aims to create a machines which are conscious as human brains
D. None

8. In Artificial Intelligence(AI), the simple reflex agent selects action on the basis of

A. Current percept, completely ignoring rest of the percept history.
B. Rest of the percept history, completely ignoring current percept.
C. Both current percept and complete percept history
D. Both current percept and just previous history

9. 4. The Task Environment of an agent consists of ____________

A. Sensors
B. Actuators
C. Performance Measures
D. All of the mentioned

10. Categorize Crossword puzzle in Fully Observable / Partially Observable.

A. Fully Observable
B. partially Observable
C. All of the mentioned
D. None of the mentioned

11. The performance of an agent can be improved by

A. Learning
B. Observing
C. Perceiving
D. None of the mentioned

12. Which is used to provide the feedback to the learning element?

A. Critic
B. Actuators
C. Sensor
D. None of the mentioned

13. Environment is random in nature& can’t be determined completely by an agent.

A. Deterministic
B. Stochastic
C. Static
D. Dynamic

14. is an agent that works based on the percept and the stored internal state.

A. Goal-based agents
B. Learning agents
C. Model-based reflex agents
D. Utility-based agents

15. A knowledge-based agent must able to do:

A. represent states, actions
B. incorporate new percepts
C. update the internal representation of the world
D. All

16. Which OSI layer defines the functions of logical network addressing and routing?

A. physical
B. network
C. Data link
D. Transport

17. Dialogue and conversation between the sender and the receiver device is established by

A. Physical
B. Session
C. data link
D. presentation

18. Which one of the following is the main function of layer 4 of TCP/IP model?

A. Provides interface between the applications and clients
B. It performs the function of data compression , encryption ,decryption and decompression
C. It performs the function of data streaming
D. All of the above

19. Which of the following devices translates hostnames into IP addresses?

A. DNS Server
B. Hub
C. DHCP Server
D. Firewall

20. Ethernet is _________________

A. one of the physical media
B. it is WAN technology
C. it is LAN technology
D. client server network

21. Delivery and storage of E-Mail message to a server is achieved using __________

A. post office protocol(POP)
B. Internet mail access protocol(IMAP)
C. Simple mail transfer protocol(SMTP)
D. Hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP)

22. Changing a stream of data bits in to a predefined code is known as___________

A. Decoding
B. Encoding
C. Signaling
D. Data transferring

23. Which one of the following is true statement about UDP?

A) UDP is connectionless protocol used for long messages
B) UDP has the response to the sender side
C) E-mail is an application used by UDP
D) DNS is an application used by UDP

24. If we want to remove the message from mail box , which protocol is available to remove it


25. The data rate which can be transmitted across a network can be measured by

A. Bit
B. Bit per second
C. Decimal
D. all

26. One of the following is incorrect about LAN

A. LAN is designed to operate for small physical area
B. It usually publicly owned network
C. In LAN sharing of resources becomes easy
D. Networks in LAN becomes easy to fix errors

27. A unique identifier that manufacturers assign to a network card or device is.

A. IP address
B. MAC address

28. Which one of the following is an incorrect statement about algorithms?

A. algorithm is composed of a finite set of steps
B. each steps of algorithm may require one or more operations
C. each operation has to be effective but not necessarily definite
D. All

29. Which one is incorrect statement about primitive and non-primitive data structures?

A. Primitive data structures encapsulate non primitive data structure to form more complex data structure
B. Arrays can be considered as a primitive data structure
C. Non primitive data structures are simpler than primitives
D. All

30. Which one of the following is correct about running time analysis

A. Determine how running time increases as the computer resources increases
B. Determine how running time increases as the size of the problem increases
C. Determine how running time decreases as the computer resources increases
D. None

31. Which one of the following is correct about comparing algorithms?

A. Comparing based on execution times is good for all cases
B. Comparing based on number of statements helps to compare universally
C. Express running time as a function of the input size n is ideal
D. All

32. Which one of the following is correct about greedy algorithms?

A. In each phase the currently best decision is made
B. optimal solution is a feasible solution where the objective function reaches its maximum or minimum
C. A globally optimal solution is one where there are no other feasible solutions with better objective function values
D. All

33. Which one of the following is incorrect about principle of optimality?

A. an optimal sequence of decisions, some subsequence may not be optimal
B. an optimal sequence of decisions, each subsequence must also be optimal
C. we need to show principle of optimality applies to the problem before using dynamic programming

34. Which one of the following is correct about asymptotic analysis?

A. shorthand way to represent the time complexity
B. we can give time complexity as “fastest possible”, “slowest possible”
C. Rough measure that characterizes how fast each function grows.
D. All

35. Which one of the following is a correct asymptotic notation?

A. Big  is asymptotic upper bound
B. Big O is asymptotic lower bound
C. Big Θ is asymptotic tight bound
D. All

36. Which one of the following is correct about binary trees (BT)?

A. A node may have at most have 2 child nodes
B. Complete BT all nodes are either a leaf or has degree 2.
C. Full BT all leave nodes are on the same level and all internal nodes have degree 2
D. All

37. Which one of the following is correct about heap data structure?

A. A heap is a nearly complete binary tree
B. all levels are always full
C. the last level may not be full, as heap is filled in order right to left
D. None

38. Considering the following array choose the correct max-heap representation. 4 1 3 2 16 9 10 14 8 7

A. 16, 14, 10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1
B. 16, 10, 14, 7, 9, 8, 3, 2, 4, 1
C. 16, 14, 10, 8, 7, 9, 3, 2, 4, 1
D. 1 ,2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16

39. Which one of the following is a correct time function T(n) for binary search?

A. T(n)=T(n-1) + O(n)
B. T(n)=T(n/2) + T(n/2) + O(n)
C. T(n)=T(n/2) + O(1)
D. None

40. Which one of the following is false about abstract classes?

A. Abstract classes are declared using the keyword abstract
B. An abstract class can be a superclass
C. An abstract class can also be a final class
D. An object of an abstract class cannot be created

41. Which one of the following is true about interfaces? ———————

A. An interface’s methods are by default public and final
B. An interfaces variable is by default private, static and final
C. An interface’s methods are by default public and abstract
D. An interface cannot be part of the inheritance hierarchy

42. When a subclass object is created —————

A. The very first constructor called is the subclass’ constructor
B. Any one of the constructors across the hierarchy can be called in a random order
C. The last constructor called is the constructor of the superclass’ constructor
D. The very first constructor called is the top most superclass’ constructor in the hierarchy

43. When a method is overridden ————

A. Both methods have exactly same signature
B. Java uses it to implement compile time polymorphism
C. The super keyword is used to call the overriding (subclass’) method
D. The overridden method must be final always so that the subclass can override it

44. A reference variable can refer to ————

A. An object of the superclass
B. An object of its class type only
C. An object of any class
D. An object of subclass’s or its class type

45. ————— Refers to the process of assigning the address of the subclass’ object to a superclass’ reference variable

A. Down casting
B. Up casting
C. Overloading
D. Overriding

46. When a class must not be inherited, it must be declared using the ———— keyword

A. this
B. super
C. final
D. abstract

47. To call the superclass’ constructor being inside a subclass’ constructor the ————— keyword is used.

A. this
B. super
C. final
D. abstract

48. The keyword used to indicate that an interface is a superclass of another interface is _________.

A. implements
B. extends
C. implementing
D. interface